A new year means new emoji! A total of 31 new emojis were revealed a few days ago as part of the beta release of Apple’s iOS 16.4. The update introduces a number of different characters, featuring a ‘shook’ face, two pushing hands, several new animals including a donkey, a moose, a goose, and a jellyfish, as well as the long-awaited plain pink heart.
A suggested use for the new ‘shaking face’ emoji may be to express shock from external forces (earthquakes or loud noises) or internal emotions (disbelief or excitement). Each of the two pushing hands can be used on their own to represent a shoving or ‘stop’ gesture, or they can be placed side by side to form a new ‘high five’ emoji. The plain pink heart emoji has been in high demand for some time and, along with the light blue and gray hearts, fills in some voids in the heart emoji color spectrum.
The emojis will be included in iOS 16.4 beta 1 will be released later this spring.