Sainsbury’s, one of Britains most known supermarket giants openend in London’s Boxpark, Shoreditch (between 27-28 September 2022) Sainsfreeze, a walk-in freezer concept store that showed customers how to freeze unexpected foods, saving surplus food going to waste and helping people save money. The first of its kind walk-in freezer looks like a regular Sainsbury’s from the outside, but once inside customers found all kinds of frozen groceries that they would usually buy fresh: fruit and veg, dairy, meat, fish and baked goods – but everything frozen, and all was given away for free.
Sainsbury released a list of products that can be kept in the freezer in a bid to help families through the cost of living crisis. Shoppers could save £720 a month by freezing a range of food including eggs.
For those who were unable to visit Sainsfreeze, the retailer teamed up with WRAP to provide tips on using the freezer to reduce waste at home. From remembering to check the freezer before shopping to portioning items and using the right containers, tips can be found online here. Think eggs, herbs, yoghurt, garlic. All perfect for freezing but often destined for the bin. Not many people realise how many foods can actually be frozen.
Sainsfreeze is part of a collaboration between Sainsbury’s and climate action NGO WRAP, furthering the retailer’s commitment to halving food waste by 2030. Sainsbury’s has sent zero waste to landfill since 2013 and recently announced the removal of date codes on 276 products.
The story went down an absolute storm in all media. A good story, a strong message and a big relevance towards the consumers.