Alter Ego is a singing competition by the U.S. based network Fox where contestants reinvent themselves and perform as their dream avatar. tThe contestants don’t perform on stage, but behind a curtain dressed in motion-capturing suits that control their own highly fantastical, augmented-reality avatars. Just like in every typical music-TV fashion shows, the winner not only gets a cash prize of $100,000 but also a mentorship from the A-list celebrity judges, Grimes, Alanis Morissette, and Nick Lachey. The judges and in-person audiences watch the performances on eye-level monitors placed strategically around the room. It looks like if they’re looking centerstage but they look at a screen and they won’t learn the true identity of the winner until there is a winner. You have to see this to believe it. Bye bye Human pop stars, hello Metaverse.