It is not the first time I spot large billboards from the “Shot on iPhone” campaign (initially launched in 2014 and still no sign of slowing) in mayor cities like Tokyo and New York. The images express a strange kind of raw honesty, an authentic simplicity and the use of billboards break all the rules of today’s fast and temporary and fractured digital culture. “Shot on iPhone” was “a ridiculously simple idea,” Apple’s vp of marketing communications Myhren explained once, “based on behavior we were seeing with people posting their photos and hash tagging them in different ways.” By blowing up those images—in some cases, making them 80 feet tall—Apple showcased both the smartphone’s camera features and the consumers who were experimenting with them, serving as inspiration for other creators. Smart concept and it worked.
The latest Apple I-Phone campaign just continues on the same path but embraces the ubiquitous selfie culture. Under the campaign title ‘Selfies on I-Phone X’ you’ll find beautiful self-portraits shot by consumers and Apple fans. Make it a fun contest when you visit a town where the campaign runs and try to collect as much different images as possible. Or send in your own best selfie. What selfie-taker wouldn’t be captivated by appearing on a giant billboard?